Education Loan

An education loans provide students with the financial support required to pursue their academic goals, enabling access to quality education and career opportunities. Education loans also help in bridging the gap between a student's aspirations and financial limitations, ensuring that deserving individuals can invest in their future without compromising due to financial constraints.

To cater the need of such students, Gateway Education has entered into a formal collaboration with Punjab National Bank (PNB), Fazilpur, Sonipat (on campus) to help our students with education loans. This tie-up will make it easier for you to get financial support for your studies.


  • Quick and hassle-free loan
  • For all the Graduation and Post Graduation Programs
  • No matter where you belong to anywhere across India, you can get a loan from the above-mentioned Branch.

For more info, regarding the loan process and eligibility criteria, please feel free to contact Mr. Harish Khurana (Assistant Registrar) at 9728100240.