India has a long historical tradition of research and knowledge creation, in disciplines ranging from science and mathematics to art and literature to phonetics and languages to medicine and agriculture and research and innovation at education institutions in India, particularly those that are engaged in higher education, is critical. Today, the criticality of research is more than ever before, for the economic, intellectual, societal, environmental, and technological health and progress of a nation.
अनुसंधान, the Research wing at GIET, has been instituted to follow into the footsteps of our ancient universities - Nalanda University and Takshila University with a vision and aim to promote research, enhance inquisitive ability, critical thinking and develop an attitude of problem solving among the students. Research is an integral part of growth be it at personal level or institutional level or for the growth and development of the world itself. Research has macro benefits as well as micro benefits. Problems need innovative and inventive solutions, growth requires a constant flow of innovative and inventive ideas, processes need constant improvements to attain time and cost effectiveness and how do we ensure these needs are fulfilled? The answer is through thorough research. Research also helps develop and strengthens the cognitive skills as well as technical skills of the researcher. Here at अनुसंधान our objective is to help students develop interest in the field of research and provide them with the guidance and tools to conduct quality research. This inherently makes their thought process more structured and evolved making them employable and strengthening the hands of both public and private sectors by providing all-round support.
Knowledge creation and research are critical in growing and sustaining a large and vibrant economy, uplifting society, and continuously inspiring a nation to achieve even greater heights. The basic purpose of this wing is to focus on the all-round academic development especially for our students to find out a platform for their future endeavours. For that purpose, अनुसंधान is adopting a community-based approach through various training, education, awareness and entrepreneurship programmes, enriching with the modern phase of technological innovations.
• To undertake, aid, promote and coordinate research at the interdisciplinary level and to widen the arena of research.• To provide academic and professional guidance and consultancy services to the students of the institution.
• To expand the area of knowledge through collaboration with any Govt. and Non-Govt. organisations, academic institutions like schools, college, universities etc., different management institutes, non-government organisations, even industry or business/corporate houses in Indian and abroad, in such a manner as may be necessary for the promotion of the objectives of the institution.
• To organise awareness camps, seminars/conferences, workshops, training programmes to enhance the quality and capability of both faculties and the students and equip them to conduct better quality research.
• To act as a storehouse of ideas and information for the students interested in taking up research.
• To help the members publish research papers in journals, periodicals and books for the betterment of the society and to expand the arena of research. .
Events Done

Workshop On Research Methodology held on February 22, 2021
Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology "Management department" has planned a five-day online Workshop titled "Research Methodology" for management students from February 22 to February 26. The resource person is Dr. Tanvi Gupta. The first day begins with a warm welcome and introduction of Dr.Tanvi Gupta by Dr. Mamta Rani on the first day. In this session, the speaker has made the students acquainted with the importance Of research in various fields and told them how to carry out the research effectively and efficiently to get desired results. After the session, students raised their queries and cleared their doubts; it was an interactive session. Students found the session very interesting and informative. They shared a treasure trunk of knowledge and experiences, and students gave a tremendous response. Students gave excellent feedback.