Computer Science Engineering


Computer Laboratory

Practical experience is part and parcel of every professional institution. The Departments of Computer Science & Computer Engineering maintain a wide variety of state- of the- art laboratories. The manuals of all lab experiments have been prepared and are in-line with curriculum of the program. All the laboratories are equipped with latest machines and updated software. The computer equipment in the labs are upgraded regularly and is custom built according to the requirements of students and engineering applications. The latest, state-of-the-art PC workstations are set up with wired and wireless internet access to facilitate students in completing their assignments, lab reports, etc. Some popular computer labs are Programming in C & C++, Data Structure Lab, Python Programming Lab, Data Science and Machine Learning Lab, Java Programming Lab, Operating system Lab, Data Base Management System Lab, Web & Internet Technology Lab, Cyber Security Lab, AR/VR Lab etc.

Language Laboratory

A Language Lab (Oral Multimedia Language Lab) consists of a teacher console and a student console. The teacher console is provided with the control functions and the student console is provided with the facility to receive recorded lessons and to listen to the lessons and pronunciations. The console also has the facility to record and replay the students own recording.

The student is able to listen, repeat and compare the pronunciation. The lessons follow the rote method which is highly acclaimed as the most effective teaching method in language teaching. A student is free to move ahead of the schedule or stay with a lesson till he or she is confident.

PC/Hardware Laboratory

PC/Hardware lab helps in covering the topics during the first year of the course. All relevant material, including number systems, combinational and sequential circuit analysis and design etc. are taught during the first few weeks of the Computer Organization course in the hardware lab.

Project Laboratory

The Project Lab provides faculty, staff and students a comfortable place to work apart from their busy schedules. The lab contains thirty two workstations packed with the required hardware and software.