HOD's Message

Gateway is a group of institutions dealing in architecture and design, engineering and technology, hotel management, bca ,bba, polytechnic, international school.

The college fosters academic and career success through the development of critical thinking, effective communication, creativity and cultural awareness in a safe, accessible and affordable learning environment.

Gateway Education is driven to provide excellent educational opportunities that are responsible to the needs of our students and empower them to meet and exceed challenges as active participants in shaping the future of our world.

The MISSION of the GATEWAY College of Education is to deepen and extend knowledge about the formation and utilisation of human capabilities.Its vision is to enhance the commitment of faculty,staff and students to the centrality of diversity, social justice and democratic citizenship.

The MOTIVE of Gateway Education is to help to prepare educational professionals recognized for the quality significance of their teaching, research, scholarship, service, outreach and leadership.It provide widely recognized leadership in the improvement of teaching ,learning and the assessment of educational outcomes across the lifespan through research,scholarship and technology.The Institute provides caring and supportive climate throughout the College.

We at Gateway Education inculcate virtues in our students.We not only focus on academics but on human development that goes beyond classrooms. Gateway family is a community of people who want to live to the fullest and contribute to the society in every possible way.

Further we associate with fellow institutions,organisations,industrial tie ups so the our people participate in learning and knowledgeable environment.

Alka Antil