UHV CLUB – The Universal Human Society

Education is for developing the students’ full human personality, so that they are able to participate meaningfully not only in their profession, but also in their family, society and their natural environment – ultimately leading to a society that is just and equitable. Every commission on education has articulated the need for human values in education. Nurturing students to live with mutual happiness with human beings and mutual prosperity with rest of nature along with the development of technical competence is of utmost importance for them to have a fulfilling life.
We at GIET deeply believe in the importance of Universal Human Values and the need to move from a skill biased education to a holistic education perspective. At the institution our aim is to provide an all round experience and growth to our students so they can transform into skilled, ethical professionals and happy, good human beings. In accordance with the AICTE initiative to inculcate Universal Human Values in Technical Education we have set up an Universal Human Values club. The objective of the club is to ensure that faculty members have a genuine interest in understanding the concept of UHV and are well versed, well trained in UHV curriculum in order to impart it to the students. We aim to achieve this by promoting the faculty members to participate in AICTE organised FDPs and arranging workshops, seminars in the institute by eminent resource persons.
• Development of a holistic perspective based on self-exploration about themselves (human being), family, society and nature/existence.• Understanding (or developing clarity) of the harmony in the human being, family, society and nature/existence. • Strengthening of self-reflection.
• Development of commitment and courage to act.
• Help the transition from the present state to Universal Human Order:
a. At the level of individual: as socially and ecologically responsible engineers, technologists and managers
b. At the level of society: as mutually enriching institutions and organizations
• To ensure proper teaching of UHV-I of Student Induction Program and UHV-II of 2nd
year, through oriented faculty members.
• - To Conduct weekly meetings of UHV cell Members along with other Faculty Members, staff and Students interested in UHV.
• - To develop the UHV teachers through advance UHV FDPs and motivate other faculty members, staff and students to attend the initial level of UHV workshops.
• - To conduct short workshops with faculty members, staff and students.
• - To facilitate availability of common teaching assets like books and other study materials.
• - To formalize evaluation criteria, exam pattern, projects, term papers etc.
• - To keep records & maintain communication with concerned UHV bodies like Nodal Centers, Regional Nodal Center etc.
Chairperson: Dr. Vinay Singhal
Convener: Dr. Mamta Rani
Coordinator: Ms. Sheetal Garg
Co-cordinators:Ms.Neha Kaleramna and Ms. Eva Sharma
Faculty Reps:Management department: Ms. Eva Sharma
Csc department: Ms. Sheetal Garg
Student Reps. Aniket, Tanya,Deepika,Avis, Tannu,komal
Events Done

Management Development Program held on July 7, 2021
UHV club of Gateway Institute of Engineering and Technology organized a virtual Management Development Program On July 7 th ,2021, for students and faculties where the resource persons were Dr.Priya Darshan (HOD Electronics and Communication Engineering (LECT Ludhiana).and DR. Mamta Rani( H.O.D Department of management studies). They have been playing an active role in Universal Human Values. Speakers shared their views on “how effective human values and proper management can be helpful in achieving your career objective in a wayful manner. They touched every prospect of the same by quoting various examples of routine. After the session, students raised their queries and got their doubts cleared. It was an interactive session. Participants found it a very informative and exciting session. They shared a treasure trunk of knowledge and experiences, and students gave an excellent response. At the end of the session, Shailja kumari mam gave a vote of thanks. Efforts of Ms. Mamta Arora,Ms.Shailja was appreciable in making this session successful.

Worlds Environment Day Webinar held on June 5, 2021
Today members of the GIET family gathered online to celebrate World Environment Day 2021. The theme for 2021 is 'Ecosystem Restoration. The day offers a global platform for inspiring positive change in the environment. It pushes individuals to think about the way they consume the ecosystem and gives them a chance to take action to build a greener future. This year too, millions of people around the world will be celebrating this day digitally. So as students, let us join hands and contribute our bit. Co-coordinator GIET UHV Club Ms. Eva Sharma welcomed the convener of UHV Club and Head of the department of management studies - Dr. Mamta Rani, to address the audience and express her views on this World Environment Day. Dr. Mamta Rani shared her thoughts on the importance of the environment and preserving natural resources handing over the session to the honorable speaker Mahapanditji Mr. Chandermani Mishra. He discussed how the solar system reminds us that, just as the Earth is not at the center of the Universe, neither are we humans the center of the Earth. We, along with the rest of the natural world, are all interconnected within the more extensive web of life. REIMAGINE. RECREATE. RESTORE. This is our moment. We cannot turn back time. But we can grow trees, green our cities, rewild our gardens, change our diets and clean up rivers and coasts. We are the generation that can make peace with nature. Let’s get active, not anxious. Let’s be bold, not timid. In the end, Dr. Mamta presented the vote of thanks, and Ms. Eva Sharma concluded the session by thanking everyone for participating.