Rules and Regulations
- Parents are requested to avoid frequent visits to the hostel.
- For any personal, relevant cause, the warden should be contacted first, who in turn will seek the Principal’s permission for the same.
- The timing for a visit by the parents should be strictly between 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
- Reporting to the school in the beginning of the session or after vacations should be one day before the vacation ends. A late fine of Rs 100/- shall be charged per day in case of non compliance.
- In case of an emergency the school should be informed regarding the matter well in advance and the student should report to the school with the parent’s letter and supporting documents (Medical certificate etc)
- Students fee should be deposited either Half Yearly (By 10 April and 10 October) or Annually (By 10 April).
- A fine of Rs 100/- per month shall be charged in case of non compliance. Do avoid such situations.
- Bringing Money, I-pads, Mobiles, Cameras or any other costly items in the hostel is prohibited. Any such items found will be confiscated and will not be returned even on request.
- Bringing eatables to the hostel is strictly forbidden.
- Telephone calls from Parents should not be more than twice a week. The timing for the same are:
11:00 am – 2:00 pm &
8:30 pm to 10:30 pm on holidays.
8:30 pm to 10:30 pm on regular days.
Items to be Arranged from home-
- Bed Sheet)- 02 nos.
- Pillow -1 nos
- Pillow Covers- 2 nos
- Bed Cover- 2 nos
- Soap (Rin, Lux/ Dettol)- 01
- Soap Case- 01 nos
- Hair Oil - 1 nos
- Comb(Big/Small)- 1 nos
- Tooth Paste & Tooth Brush; 01 set
- Tongue Cleaner- 01 nos
- Nail Cutter- 01 nos
- Toilettories- As per need.
- Handkerchief - 06 nos
- Lock- 2set.
- White Kurta & Pyjama- 02 set.
- Suitcase & Kids Bag - 01 each
- Towel(Big/small) - 02 each
- White Sports Cap - 01 nos
- Umbrella or Raincoat - 01 nos
- Undergarments (Vests)- 06 nos
- Under wears - 06 nos
- Bathroom Slippers - 01 pair
- Sports Shoes - 02 pair
- School Shoes (black)- 02 pair
- Blue jeans- 02 pair
- Casual Dress- 03 set
Items to be Procured from School Tuck shop-
- Books, Notebooks & Stationery
- Summer uniform , House uniform and Winter uniform
- Shirts- 4 nos
- Trousers, Skirts -3 nos
- Blazer & Sweater- 1 each
- Belt & Tie – 1 each
- Track Suit - 02 set
- School Bag (GIS) - 01
* Gels, Perfumes and any other items of fashion enhancement is discouraged.