Parents Guidelines

Parents Guidelines


  1. Read the contents of this Almanac carefully and abide by the rules laid down by the school authorities.
  2. Any communication made by you, should be addressed to the Principal through the Class Teacher with the Name, Admission Number, Class and Section of your ward mentioned.
  3. The name, class and section should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the student.
  4. Date of Birth with proof submitted during admission will not be changed on any ground.
  5. Children when sick should not be sent to school.
  6. If any child falls sick at school, the school shall inform the parents. The parents should fetch the child from the school at the earliest.
  7. Students should come to school in proper uniform on working days and for all school functions including every PTM day.
  8. You are requested to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help your ward’s progress by paying attention to his/her regularity, punctuality and discipline.
  9. Gifting or presenting any item to any teacher/staff is strictly prohibited.
  10. Parents are requested not to enter the academic block to see their children or teacher during school hours.
  11. In case of any legitimate complaint or if you feel your ward is not making the desired progress, you may meet the Principal at the earliest or write to her/him personally.
  12. Leave for half day is strongly discouraged. In emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal or Vice Principal and a half day leave may be granted after 12.00 noon.
  13. The uniform provided for House Activities is to be worn by the students on every Wednesday and Saturday.